Concerning Trials and Tests

If only the Christian could learn the art of mastering trials, tests, and troubles! Do you ever wonder why God allows us to suffer? If He is loving and faithful, why are we expected to endure seemingly unnecessary trials and tests? Though there is no simple answer to these questions, we can discover some reasons for trials, tests, and troubles in the life of the Christian.

Before discussing these, we want to make one sure statement: The Christian who will embrace trials and tests as a part of the Christian experience will learn quickly how to navigate through them.

David declared in the Psalms that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers them out of them all. One main reason that God allows things to come our way is that He will bring us out of all of them. It is for this cause He allows us to go through some things, because He delights in showing His power. However, from biblical examples and exhortations, we can discover 3 benefits of trials and tests.

First, trials and tests come to produce reverence for God. They come into the lives of believers to produce a reverential fear of God. Nevertheless, this fear is to be coupled with humility. Trials, tests, and God’s subsequent deliverance from them, bring the believers into a personal encounter with God’s greatness and power.

Where there is no fear of God, people will not exercise restraint. Where there is no humility before God, there is no regard for His standards. Where there  is no  regard for His standards, there is  no  place  of  repentance,  which  leads to experiencing judgment at His return.

Second, trials and tests come to produce a faith-filled relationship. God allows believers to have trouble to produce faith and patience in them. When one experiences sickness and God heals him, faith is gained in that area. When one faces financial difficulties and the Lord provides, faith for finances is acquired.

Many believers do not submit to this process. Situations that are designed to produce faith have inadvertently produced disillusion and depression in some. Believers must realize that God is sovereign and will never forsake them.

        Third, trials and tests surface to produce zeal for Christ. Believers experience trials, which should produce faith and not frustration. The remembrance of the trials and God’s subsequent deliverance should not produce anxiety. It should build a legacy of God’s love and concern for us.

When one understands the place of trials and tests, they will not spend time trying to escape these inevitabilities. Embrace your trials and tests knowing it will work for your good.

What Is Your Way to Surrender?

How to surrender to the will of God! Every Christian has to come up with a game plan of surrender. In spite of internal opposition, one has to discover the will of God. However, some consistently ask, “What is the will of God?” An important question that has a simple answer.

In his letter to the Romans, Paul made a clear declaration of the ultimate will of God. Even if you do not know what “calling” is on your life, just know that everyone has one calling in common.

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:29)  

We have to understand that the will of God for every believer is that we become like Christ. Our service to Him is secondary to our character. When we understand this, our walk with Christ will not be frustrating.

This is why Paul challenged the believers at the Roman church to present themselves to God as a living sacrifice. The way we surrender to the will of God is by presenting our bodies to the Lord. We prove what the will of God is when we live holy. In addition, we are to live separate from the world. There are three foundational components to fulfilling the will of God regardless of your area of ministry and service.

First, you must be morally upright; that is, holy. This is not denominational or occupational. It is living according to the righteous standards for morality as outlined by the scriptures.

Second, you must be separate from the ungodly influences and the course of the world’s system. When we come to Christ, we enter into His kingdom. The world is in darkness and driven by lusts. Hence, the Christian can no longer live as one who has no knowledge of God.

Third, you must be prepared to be conformed to the image of Christ. Many do not progress in their relationship with Christ due to lack of expectation. They do not believe they can actually be like Christ. They use their humanity as an excuse to continue to please themselves and their desires. However, Christians have to develop a desire to surrender to God above their desire to please their personal wishes. 

The will of God is to have sons and daughters. Therefore, when Christ came, He came in the form of a son. He was to be the pattern that we should follow. He lived a holy and righteous life and He never conformed to the world’s system, but He came in affirmation and demonstration of the Father’s love and character. This is the foundation of surrendering to the will of God.

L.O.G.O.S. Apologetics