The Biblical Model for the Christian Husband

Being a Christian man comes with responsibilities. The same is true for the Christian husband. To clarify the role of the Christian husband, we have listed some other responsibilities associated with marriage. There are four functions that the Christian husband performs to fulfill his responsibility to his wife.

I. He functions as a Priest. The priests served as spiritual leaders in Israel. They would teach the people the precepts of the Lord as well as make sacrifices for the people. The Christian husband leads his family in worship of God. Even if his wife is in ministry and he is not, he has the responsibility to lead the family in the Lord's service.

He functions as a priest to his wife in some specific ways. The first is that he will present her concerns to the Lord (as well as his own) in prayer. This is similar to the priests who sacrificed to the Lord for themselves and others. The second is that the husband will bear his wife concerns and burdens in providing an ear for her concerns and worries.

II. He functions as a Provider. The Christian husband provides for his wife. He does this in two ways emotionally and financially. Most men have no problem with working and contributing to the financial needs of his wife. However, many men fail in providing for the emotional needs of his wife.

Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. (Colossians 3:19)

The scriptures tell men not to be bitter against their wives. Some demonstrate bitterness towards their wives by not listening to their requests or meeting their emotional needs.

III. He functions as a Protector. The Christian husband also protects his wife. He does this in two ways. First, he protects her from the spiritual attacks of the enemy. The Christian husband knows how to help his wife in spiritual warfare; quenching fiery darts of the evil one.

Second, he protects her from herself. He understands his wife and knows how to protect her from self-inflicted wounds of doubt, depression, and frustration. He will not allow his wife to hinder herself because of unhealthy self-perception.

IV. He functions as a Shepherd. The Christian husband performs the duty of a shepherd for his wife. The shepherd corrects and comforts the sheep. He leads them into green pastures. The husband will lead his wife into the will of God. Through the word of God, he will comfort and correct her so that they both stand together in Christ without blame.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (I Peter 3:7)

Being a Christian husband comes with great respect and responsibility. God's plan for husbands has not changed. If men husbands are to properly find their place and identity, it has to be done by using the Word and the example of Christ.

Time for Self-Check: Reflecting on Your Walk with Christ

Life brings controversy; that is, opposition, resistance and perplexing situations. However, the Christian must master the inevitable trials, tests, and frustrations and remain dedicated to Christian living and service. In order to remain dedicated, continual self-examination is needed.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. 2 Cor 13:5 (KJV)

Self-examination always leads to questions. These questions should challenge you to look at yourself in a candid fashion. Responding truthfully will keep you focused despite the inevitabilities of life. One important question that should arise through self-evaluation is “What is my dedication level?”

Dedication strengthens your resolve to stand during tough times. Christians have to appreciate the Value of Dedication. It helps stabilize your life when things around you are out of control. So, that even as a Christian, you can continue to grow in faith and knowledge when the world around you seems to be in chaos.

In order to answer the question “What is my dedication level?” - You have to know specifically what should you be dedicated to. In the Christian walk, our dedication can be measured by three areas of interest. If you consider these areas, then you will be able to say unashamedly that you are a dedicated follower of Christ even when life is unfavorable. We will examine each briefly.

Dedicated to Christ. Dedication begins with an unwavering devotion to Christ. You have to be dedicated to His commands and commission. The goal of your existence has to be to please Him. Why? There is an eternal reward. If your daily existence is not characterized by this mindset, then you are not dedicated totally. You will crumble when the inevitable tough times arise.

Dedicated to Development. When you give your life to Christ, a dedication to spiritual growth and development in the faith is vital. The only way one can grow is through the study of the Word and through prayer. So, you have to evaluate your prayer life. Is it healthy and vibrant? You have to examine your time in reading the scriptures. Do you make excuses for not reading? Your dedication level is small if you are not willing to challenge yourself to grow personally in the Christian faith. Consequently, you will bow to difficulties.

Dedicated to Christian Service. Christian service cannot be separated from the Christian faith. Regardless of your activities in the church, from preaching to feeding the hungry, you have to be dedicated. It is not always easy because you may have to serve in light of the negative responses of people and unfavorable conditions. This is where dedication becomes crucial.

Dedication does require personal sacrifice and commitment. However, in light of all that God did for us in Christ, it is worth the effort. Challenge yourself on this day that your level of dedication in the faith will increase despite the challenges of life and ministry.

The Art of Endurance

          In athletics, there are events that measure success by the speed, strength, and ability. However, there are events, which are a ma...

L.O.G.O.S. Apologetics